Is to protect Goa’s natural, cultural and built heritage.
To take Goa towards a sustainable, eco-friendly future to the benefit of all the stakeholders.
To protect Goa’s bio diversity for future generations to enjoy.
To instil an element of pride in Goa’s heritage and thus arrest out-migration of young Goans from the state.
To generate programmes that will create awareness on environmental, cultural and heritage issues.
To entertain and educate through cultural and art events, talks, lectures and articles and thus instil a sense of pride in Goan heritage. Experience has taught us that it is this sense of pride that inspires people to protect their own heritage.
To demonstrate that heritage protection works both economically and socially, bringing direct benefit to the stakeholders as well as to the state. Experience has shown that this also brings communities closer.
To work with concerned authorities in a spirit of clarity, open-mindedness and co-operation and only take recourse to the courts of law as a last and final resort after all efforts have failed.
To co-operate with other NGO’s and civic bodies in their causes and concerns when these causes match with our mission and fit into our vision.
To employ whatever legal means are available to us to strengthen our resolve to protest, protect, preserve, conserve, restore, re-purpose, advocate and appeal to the concerned authorities in the Government of Goa and the community at large.
To explore every mean at our disposal to avoid damage or destruction before it becomes irreversible or non-retrievable.
To enable our viewers and members to participate in our campaigns, programmes and digital outreach. In other words, to make all our real and digital programmes more interactive.
To enhance and empower our traditional agricultural systems, forest management projects, khazan lands, etc. With the aim of making Goa sustainable and self-sufficient in terms of food security.